Shaun Pepper

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How might I help creators build better educational content across platforms?

The Big 5 for Asynchronous Teaching in eLearning Courses

  1. The Introduction - Video and Course description

    • Why do you as the creator think learning this topic important? - Whats your goal for this course?

    • Who are you to your student? - Introduce yourself as a person.

    • Why do I trust you as an expert and authority? - Show me evidence of your expertise

    • Who am I? - Define who this course is for, so I can decide if it is right for me.

    • How might the student use this information at home, at work, or online? - Show the student that this information will save resources (time, energy, money etc..).

    • How might the course be delivered? - Give me insight into the course delivery. (screenshot of course site, sample of video, etc…)

    • What happens if I don’t like the course? - Give me a full refund if I don’t get value from the course. Or if I have multiple courses offer another course for free.

  2. The Purpose & Principles - Help Students Understand Context.

    • What are the values and beliefs that you hold that enabled you to create this content - Create a list for I believe that ….

    • What background knowledge might the person need in order to understand and apply the information?

  3. The Skills and Techniques - Help students master discrete skills individually. Then combine skills into a technique.

    What discrete skills do I need to learn in order to execute or perform the task you have outlined? - Break down this individual skills into parts so I can execute them. Perhaps prompt exercise breaks for me to practice skills.

  4. Situation and Strategies - Help students make decisions by copying/mirroring you in a performance.

    Potential questions to ponder:

    • How do these skills come together in an applied performance?

    • When do you perform the skills?

    • What natural feedback loops exist that will guide me on if I am succeeding or failing in my performance?

    • How might I take these skills and create new strategies not mentioned?

  5. Applied Practice - Allow the student to apply new knowledge and understanding and consolidate meaning in their own unique way. Ask them the following questions:

    • How might you use _________ strategy in your life?

    • What is one way that you could practice _______ strategy?

    • What is a problem or situation, that is part of your daily life, that you might be able to apply this strategy to?

    • What amount of practice do you feel like you will need to apply these strategies effectively?

    • Who can I lean on for help if I am stuck? - Hopefully you can create a community for people to discuss their applied practices.